This is the patterns I’ve made.
Still in pop color, and simply shapes.
There are dogs finger, thunder, and cubes in many variation.
Enjoy the patterns!
Pattern #7
The latest inspiration I’ve got is about Lemon and Lime –Butique of Sepyusa’s sister.
I try to make a logo, and then patterning.
Still in pop color. Hehe :D
And here they are.
Pattern #8
One of my wishlist is a camera.
Camera be able to catch up the moments, so we can recall memories (again).
Furthermore, camera has a funny side like this, so I patterning them in this..
You can enjoy.. ^^
ini bisa didonlod ato musti beli?
emang mau buat apa zam?
Jan ...
bikin melongo ni desain2mu, ya ampuuun .. Oke banget dah!!!
Kreatip amat u jadi orang, hehehe ^^
buat wolpeper
iyaa kak aku jg mau bwt wallpaper twitter tp yg gada tulisan camera patternya bisa ga?
always love ur pattern... :)
nice creative work...
be more creative crature jan!!!
angga : weits angga! gak usah berlebihan lu! hahaha :D thx ngga!
azam : wallpaper? aku coba dulu ya.. tar kalo udah produksi, aku hubungin lagi.. : nanti kalo udah produksi saya hubungi lagi ya.. :D
haryo : thx a lot dude! kamu juga!! :D
5 thumbsup !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
genial : hahahahah :D 5 jempol? mana aja nih?? hehehe :d
thank so!!! :D
niceeeee... i love it.. mantappp.. :)
aku suka yang lime, bikinnya pake apa sih?
thx all..
ini pake corel doang kok.. :D
hehehe :D
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