And yesterday was the execution day! Yay!!! Finally I met the tools and it was new experience for me.
Abi told me many things about the methods. I listen to it, watch it carefully, and try to understand.
This is the picture when Abi clean the screen. It was in his bathroom! Hahaha :D
And then, it was when Abi want to transfer the shape of the design to the screen.
This picture was the fastest process. Give a tint to the tshirt. Less than a minute. Hahahahahah... :D
And our first project finally come!!!! Yay!!!
About this project ...
I met a funny girl named Ariena krishandi
And she was running in my brain like it was a park.
Yeash, and this tshirt for her and I. this is a couple tshirt.
We really like giraffes.
And I use samson paper to make wrapping bag.
See yah..!!! ^^
waaahhh ajarin dong...
aku dulu gak sempet diajarin ayahku buat sablonan gitu
wah kemaren itu teman saya yang pandai menyablon...
kalo saya gift packagingnya aja.. ckckckckc :D
thanks ya.. :D
like this jan.
kamu sangat produktif brooo
btw skrg ngekos di pogung to?
saya familiar dengan anak berboxer tanpa helm naik motor lewat depan martabak ufo tadi siang...
hay kak kin kins..
terima kasih ya...
iya sekarang saya ngontrak di pogung..
saya juga semacam kenal dengan wanita berjilbab dan sedang pacaran itu.. ckckckckc ;) piss!
makanya mampir2lah.. deket kok rumah kita.. :D
thanks ya.. :D
ahaha...keren ojan... semangat kamu harus ditiru nih.. keren sekali... kita juga sangat berhasrat untuk punya peralatan sablon sendiri, minimal untuk menyiapkan packaging sih.. supaya bisa lebih mandiri dan banyak aktifitas motorik di kantor... doakan saja yah kita segera punya, heuheuheu...
thanks a lot migomagi.. :D
iya pasti saya support.. :D
semangat terus ya...
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